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The John B. Dawson Memorial Fund

A note from Tom Powell, Board President, The Friends of Cedarmere

John B. Dawson joined the committee that was organized to save Cedarmere not long after it started up in 2009. He became president around 2013 when the first president, Terry Hunt, moved off of Long Island to live in the Hudson Valley.  John continued to serve as president until he resigned in 2022, and after that he continued to be on the board until November of 2024.  John was the attorney for William Cullen Bryant's great granddaughter, Elizabeth Love Godwin, when the arrangements were made to donate Cedarmere to Nassau County upon her passing, which occured in 1975.  

John was devoted to Cedarmere and as leader of the board, kept the flame going through some difficult times. He was highly respected by all of the board members and was the face and voice of the Friends of Cedarmere at all of our events, excursions and important meetings throughout his tenure.  He always led by example, had flawless manners and his leadership was always positive, level-headed and honorable.  All on the board had a great deal of affection for John and admiration for his character.  I am certain that William Cullen Bryant would have held John in high regard if he were to have known him.

-Tom Powell

John B. Dawson
Friends of Cedarmere Board Member Emeritus

John B. Dawson Memorial Fund Donation

Make a donation to The Friends of Cedarmere in honor of our friend and colleague, John B. Dawson.
Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, all contributions will be matched.

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